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Get Up to 40% OFF New-Season StylesMenWomen * Limited time only.
Feel the burn in your glutes, adductors, abductors, hamstrings, and quads with the TRNR Squat Band in X-Heavy. Featuring up to 27.2 kg of resistance, this woven loop band is our...
Availability: 12 In Stock

Feel the burn in your glutes, adductors, abductors, hamstrings, and quads with the TRNR Squat Band in X-Heavy. Featuring up to 27.2 kg of resistance, this woven loop band is our most challenging and will take your power to the next level. Built to last, the high-performance webbing incorporates both cotton and latex while displaying the weight rating in kilos and pounds so you can easily keep track of your performance. 


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