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Get Up to 40% OFF New-Season StylesMenWomen * Limited time only.
The TRNR Squat Band was built for ultimate comfort and durability. Made from a special performance blend of cotton and latex, the intricate webbing lets you train without any distractions, and cleaning...
Availability: 5 In Stock

The TRNR Squat Band was built for ultimate comfort and durability. Made from a special performance blend of cotton and latex, the intricate webbing lets you train without any distractions, and cleaning it is a breeze. This X-Light Squat Band features up to 6.1 kg worth of resistance and comes in a vibrant red colour that will brighten up any workout. It delivers gentle conditioning of hips, glutes, and thighs, making it ideal for warm-ups, mobility drills, or progressive rehabilitation post-injury/surgery.


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